Land Use
“Land use” is the term used to describe the human use of land. It represents the economic and cultural activities (e.g., agricultural, residential, industrial, mining, and recreational uses) that are practiced at a given place.
“Land use” is the term used to describe the human use of land. It represents the economic and cultural activities (e.g., agricultural, residential, industrial, mining, and recreational uses) that are practiced at a given place.
Land Use Administrator: Jodi Brady
Administrative Office
Yuma County Land Use
310 Ash, Suite J
Wray, CO 80758
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00
Office: 970-332-0930
Fax: 970-332-3411
Protect Quality of Life
To provide for protection of the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the County and to protect the environment.
Provide for Orderly Development of the County
To provide for balanced, orderly growth patterns and to provide efficient, phased government services to accommodate existing and future residents.
Preserve Property Values
To preserve and promote the value of property, to protect the tax base of the County and to respect the property rights of citizens.
Protect and Enhance Agriculture
To protect and enhance agricultural uses and the rural characteristics of the County.
A land use permit is required for land use changes. (Section 2-101)
Activity Notice
Administrative Land Use Permits
Minor Land Use Permits
Major Land Use Permits
All Land Use Changes that are not listed under Administrative Land Use Permits or Minor Land Use Permits require a Major Land Use Permit.
Application for Exemption from the Definition of Subdivision
Request for an Exemption from Land Use Permit – Home Occupations
The process varies according to the type of permit. See the Yuma County Land Use Code for your specific type of permit request.
Yuma County Planning Commission meets once a month at the Eckley Community Center, 201 Catchpol Ave, Eckley, CO. This is a public meeting, that provides time for public comment. The Meeting starts at 7:00. and it occurs on the third Tuesday of the month.
Yuma County Planning Commission 2025 Meeting Schedule
Board of County commissioner’s meeting, that Land Use topics are part of, is generally the last working day of the month. Land Use topics are usually on the agenda at 1:00. The time may vary, so an agenda will be out a day before. There is time for public comment.
A time can be reserved for individuals to speak at the Commissioners meetings, to request scheduling on the agenda; interested citizens should contact the Commissioners administration prior to the scheduled meeting at 970-332-5796.
I am going to divide 34 acres from 80 acres for the purpose of selling the smaller parcel of land as a future home site. Do I need to go through the Yuma County Land Use Process?
Yes. The State of Colorado requires all divisions of property containing less than 35 acres to go through a subdivision process. If a water well is on the property or you will be drilling a water well you need to have an “Exemption from the Definition of Subdivision.” This will be required by the State Water Engineer prior to you receiving a drilling permit from the State. (See Section 3-102 B1, page 9 and 10 of the Code)
I am going to construct a new home and garage. Is there anything I need to do relating to the County Land Use?
Yes. An Activity Notice needs to be filled out for any building constructed, this includes but not limited to a home, garage, barn, equipment building, grain bins, and meteorological towers. Any physical structure that has a value assessed by the Yuma County Assessor or State Assessed requires an Activity Notice. We give this form to the Yuma County Assessor for the purpose of having the new development added to the tax rolls at the appropriate time. (See Section 2-102 A 1, Page 5 of the Code.)
I am going to start a business out of my home. Do I need a permit?
Home occupations are allowed with no permitting process if they meet the minimum standards that apply to exempt home occupations. (See Home Occupations section 2-102 C, Page 5 of the Code.)
I want to expand my current 1000 head feedlot to hold 1800 head of livestock. Do I need a permit for an expansion like this?
Yes, a Major Land Use Permit is required. Expansion of a concentrated animal feeding operation or livestock confinement facility that increases the capacity of the facility by more than 33% or 5,000 head, whichever is less, over the existing capacity as of July 1, 2003, shall require a Land Use Permit. (See Agricultural Structures and Activities Section 2-102 B, page 5 of the Code)
My company needs a gas compressor for the new gas wells they are putting into operations. Is a permit required? No septic system or water well will be needed.
Unless otherwise exempt pursuant to Section 2-102 of this Code, any Land Use Change shall require a Land Use Permit. A Land Use Change is defined as any development, grading, construction, activity or operation that changes the basic character, configuration, or use of land or structures after the enactment of this Land Use Code. (See Land Use Permits Section 2-101 A, page 5 of the Code)
How long does it take to go through the Land Use process?
One month is the shortest amount of time it will take to process an application. Contact the Land Use Administrator for your specific request because the time depends of many factors, which is not limited to but includes the following:
Contact the County Assessor’s office at 970-332-5032 for help with new addresses. Measurements from the nearest west or south section line to the centerline of the access road will be required prior to issuing an address.