Since 1915, Yuma County has gained the reputation over a wide area as having one of the finest County Fairs. One answer can be given for this success and that is the spirit of close cooperation, participation, volunteerism and pride. The Yuma County Fair provides our county with an opportunity to unite and share in the fruits of our labor, our friendship and our community.
From the competition to the grandstand shows; the rodeo to the parade — let us remember that we are one county. We are neighbors, friends, teachers, clergymen, doctors, farmers, ranchers and business persons who strive to continue the excellence in Yuma County. Yuma County can be proud of its people and accomplishments! Let’s enjoy these days of fellowship, friendly competition and fun!
County Fair Judges:
- Swine Judge: Dr. David Frazier
- Beef, Sheep & Goat Judge: Skyler Scotten
Yuma County Board of Commissioners
Yuma County Fair Board
Yuma County Fair Manager
Adam Gates
Mike Leerar
Scott Weaver
President/Chairman, Tom Mekelburg
Vice President/Vice Chair, Justin Crossland
Secretary, Jessica Murray
Treasurer, Micah Seyler
Dave Blach
Harold Blackham
Baylor Buck
BJ Mekelburg
Ruben Richardson
Carmen Murray
Additional Contacts
Golden Plains Extension Office, 4-H and Event Information
Yuma County Administration, Ticket Order and General Information
Randy Mekelburg, Fairgrounds Maintenance
Michelle Smith, Fair Queen Coordinator
Cassidee Rogers, Rodeo Chairwomen
Penni Danner, Parade Manager