The GIS Department will create shapefiles that can be imported into other GIS programs. The following layers are available, county, state and federal roads, railroads, ownership parcels, subdivisions, cities, towns and unincorporated communities, townships, section lines and quarter section lines. The map is updated on a weekly basis and can be viewed online, through the link above.
The cost of the GIS shapefiles is as follows: there are 70 townships within Yuma County and each township costs $20.00 if purchased separately, $10.00 each if the entire county is purchased at one time. The contact information is 970-332-5032 or Checks should be made out to “Yuma County Treasurer” and sent to the above address or call the Yuma County Treasurer at (970) 332-5032 to pay with a major credit card.
We have the following paper maps available for purchase from the Assessor’s Office or we can ship them to you:
THE BIG THREE in 18″ x 27″ format includes the Yuma County Road Map, Yuma County Irrigated Area Map and Yuma County Gas Well and Facility Location Map. These maps cost $5.00 each, plus shipping.
Cost of Maps are being revised.