Queen Royalty

Queen Royalty

2025 Royalty
Jalyn Archer, Queen
Tatum Soehner, Lady-in-Waiting

2024 Royalty
Jordlynn Witfang, Queen
Jalyn Archer, Lady-in-Waiting

2023 Royalty
Shyla Hatch, Queen
Jordlynn Wiltfang, Lady-in-Waiting

2022 Royalty
Grace Schaffner, Queen
Shyla Hatch, Lady-in-Waiting

2021 Royalty
Morgan Jones, Queen
Grace Schaffner, Lady in Waiting

2020 Royalty
Morgan Jones, Queen
Grace Schaffner, Lady in Waiting

2019 Royalty
Jacy Archer, Queen
Morgan Jones, Lady in Waiting

2018 Royalty
Grace Merritt, Queen
Jacy Archer, Lady in Waiting

2017 Royalty
Ashleigh Hendrix, Queen
Grace Merritt, Lady in Waiting

2016 Royalty
Morgan Kock, Queen
Ashleigh Hendrix, Lady in Waiting

2015 Royalty
Makala Combs, Queen
Morgan Kock, Lady in waiting

2014 Royalty
Makayla Spitz, Queen
Makala Combs, Lady in waiting

2013 Royalty
Taylor Miller, Queen
Makayla Spitz, Lady in waiting

2012 Royalty
Sara Brandner, Queen
Taylor Miller, Lady in waiting

2011 Royalty
Jori Archer, Queen
Sara Brandner, Lady in Waiting

2010 Royalty
Kaitlyn Doke, Queen
Jori Archer, Lady in Waiting

2009 Royalty
Emily Pletcher, Queen
Kaytlyn Doke, Lady in Waiting

2008 Royalty
Hannah Fernandez, Queen
Emily Pletcher, Lady in Waiting

2007 Royalty
Kaci Brandner, Queen
Hannah Fernandez, Lady in Waiting

2006 Royalty
Amanda Wiltfang, Queen
Kaci Brandner, Lady in Waiting

2005 Royalty
Tiffany Minton,Queen
Amanda Wiltfang, Lady in Waiting

2004 Royalty
Michelle Smith, Queen
Jill Thomas, Attendant

Yuma County Fair Queen and Lady in Waiting

Yuma County Fair Queen

Hello, my name is Jalyn Archer. I am your 2025 Yuma County Fair and Rodeo Queen. I am a senior at Wray High School. After high school, I am planning on attending college and attending a bachelor’s degree! While in high school I have had many accomplishments; the most important to me is I have held an FFA Officer position for all 4 years and currently holding a District Officer position! Even though I am thinking all about my future and what awaits me after my reign, I am very focused on doing all I can to make this year amazing. Being able to represent Yuma County to the best of my ability is my main focus! I can’t wait for all the adventures that await Tatum and I in this upcoming year.

Yuma County Lady in Waiting

Hi! My name is Tatum Soehner and I am your 2025 Yuma County Fair and Rodeo Lady-in-Waiting! I am a Junior at Idalia High School and an active member of FFA, FBLA, NHS, and 4-H. I have held offices in these clubs for the entirety of my high school career and plan to stay as involved as possible. I can’t wait to make so many new friends as I go through this upcoming year with Jalyn! I am beyond excited to have the opportunity to represent Yuma County and can’t wait to see everyone at the 2025 Yuma County Fair!

Queen Committee

Queen Coordinator Michelle Smith 970-630-5868
Asst. Queen Coordinator Kaci Porter 720-985–0162
Commissioner Liaison Scott Weaver
Fair Board Liaison Justin Crossland
Cattlemen Liaison David Schaffner